Since 2015 I have been posting the speech I would give to college graduates if I was asked, but alas, once again, I haven’t been asked. But here is what I would have said.

You are graduating during one of the worst economic periods ever. Things are really bad. Jobs are hard to get, many of us are homebound, you cannot attend your proms or your graduation ceremonies in person, and you might have doubt about being able to repay student loans. A lot of what is going on stinks. The good things are that you went to a good college and many of you got jobs and will be starting your professional careers within the next few months and with decent salaries. Because you have been in, you are healthy, and because you are graduating it indicates that you’ve received exemplary educations and completed what you started.

Because of the current adversity, which I have no doubt that you will overcome, you will be smarter, sharper, more alert, more aware and more receptive to recognizing and dealing with risk. Many of you will also be less cocky, less assertive and less likely to take risks. You shouldn’t be. You should be cocky, assertive for what you believe in is yours and others’ best interests and you should take risks but because of what has happened you will prepared better for it and better able to anticipate what could go wrong. This will pass and you will have long and successful careers

You will also be more doubting, less trusting, more self-reliant and self-centric, more vigilant of changes and sensitive to them and, worse, you will assume your leaders are lying to you and are acting in their own selfish self-interest instead of being honest and fulfilling the oaths they swore to uphold. Many of them seem to have a depth of character. This will also make you better citizens and perhaps give you a more participatory understanding that you can make a difference. Actually, you will be the future leaders and you…must…make…a…difference!

You will, should, go out of your way to learn things outside your comfort zone, you should stretch your minds to acquire collateral knowledge and all that you could. Act like what you do matters, and you will matter.

Large public corporations and universities with billions in endowments applied for and were granted stimulus loans to offset their prior and ongoing greed. This is an arrogance of the so-called “entitled” which is becoming ubiquitous. These organizations should be chastised and branded for what they are – selfish and bad citizens. So too for the banks that reviewed the paperwork and approved the requests. The fact that many returned the funds shouldn’t condone their initial conceit and egoism.

Things will change. Hospitals and nursing homes, once a haven for safety and care, will now be looked at as covens of danger. You will get used to comfort clothing, sneakers, jeans and workout clothes; I haven’t worn shoes or pants that need a crease for almost two months. I also haven’t had a haircut in quite a while, not that it is a pressing need for me. Because of this, habits and certain services will vanish. Remote work and virtual meetings will lessen commuting and travel costs and time. The adaptation and adoption of whatever technology is available to help us will be embraced more easily and accelerated.

Be more patient. Listen more, but don’t spend time with losers, bores or conversation hijackers – those who don’t listen and only want to talk about themselves or their own agenda.

We are in trying times, but it will pass. Things likely will not return to what it was, and there will be a new normal; a new reality. You have the educational foundation which will provide the tools along with reasoning ability and brainpower to succeed. You need to keep open minds, be alert, be skeptical, and caring. You need to understand that you can make a difference and should not become like the leaders you disdain. You need to rise to your internal sense of ethics and integrity. Do not sink to the lowest levels but surge to the highest. Become the leader you wish you had now. You can’t control others or events but you can control your reactions and yourself and how you perform. Be the leader. Make a difference.

Congratulations! You did it! Now do it!

If you have any business or financial issues you want to discuss please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or fill out the form below.

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