Withum provides security strategies, frameworks, and controls across all sectors and business classes including traditional security and advanced products and services. Regardless of whether your organization infrastructure is centralized or decentralized, localized or in the cloud or all of the above – your organization is better protected from cyber threats utilizing unique integrations of battle-tested technologies and frames.

Having developed several new security technologies ourselves, we are confident in our ability to assist your organization with any security matters. Our security portfolio offers a wide range of service offerings to fit your organization’s needs.

From security assessments and cyber investigations and legal support to physical security, identity and access management and network architecture security assessments, we specialize in security strategies, frameworks, and controls across all sectors and business classes.

Regardless of the size of your organization, geographical or regulatory requirements, the simplicity of the sophistication of a client’s scope of work, we provide measurable results that often exceed expectations. This allows you to focus on your business, not your security.

Security Assessments

  • Penetration Testing: Ensures critical applications, IT infrastructure and devices are resistant to compromise.
  • Vulnerability Assessments: Ensure applications, IT infrastructure and devices meet minimum security baselines.
  • Social Engineering and Physical Security Assessment: Protect business assets from unauthorized physical access and manipulation.
  • Network Architecture Security Assessment: Ensure unprivileged network threats will not compromise the network or network assets.
  • Information Security Management System Assessment: Ensure a proficient organization protection strategy and implementation plan is in place, is operating as expected, and is cost-effective.
  • Site Health Check: Determine the risk state of a business, business unit, partner, merger or acquisition target.
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  • Strategic Cyber Forensics and Investigations:Manage an incident proficiently, minimize immediate business impact, and identify various courses of action while ensuring objective and proper evidence identification, collection and preservation.
  • Breach Investigations:You believe your business has been breached. You need to understand multidimensional concerns, explore several options, develop the best plan of action, and put objective and genuine global expertise to use.
  • Forensic Data Collection:You need forensically sound data – snapshots of computers, mobile devices, and/or complex network systems without business disruption.
  • Advanced-Data Recovery:Retrieve important data lost from typical to sophisticated data storage devices or systems.
  • Certified Forensic Data Destruction:You need targeted or complete data or physical destruction assurance by experienced experts to help ensure information is irrecoverable on specific systems, devices, or throughout the enterprise.

Security Solutions

What is Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) refers to the policies and technologies that ensure that the proper people within an enterprise have the appropriate access to physical and technology resources.

  • Who is responsible for administering access to your personnel?
  • What are your procedures when an employee is terminated, laid off or resigns?
  • How often are the access controls updated to confirm that the right people have the right access?

Withum can access, design, deploy, manage and update your organization’s Identity and Access Management Systems to protect your physical and technology resources.

Physical Security

Physical security is equally as important as electronic security. Identifying and assessing your infrastructure protection is critical to the well-being of your business. A comprehensive physical security risk assessment and strategy can ensure your business is in compliance with the US Department of Homeland Security’s critical infrastructure protection specifications. Our Security Experts have worked for US Federal Agencies and can provide a comprehensive physical security risk assessment and strategy for your organization.

Advanced Security Services

Thorough security controls and assessments go beyond one assessment. You need a plan in place to ensure the information security strategy and implementation is accountable and aligned to your needs, is protecting your business’s critical assets and operations and is resistant to compromise from realistic and probable threats. Withum’s cybersecurity experts can take a deep dive into your systems whether it is incident response testing or comprehensive identification and validation of confidential information through data loss prevention.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your business needs, please connect with a member of our team.


Due to some concerns with our former IT consultants, we began searching for a new provider. We chose Withum's Cybersecurity team, as their services range from providing IT Consulting and IT Security, to incident response and forensics. Before officially hiring them, Withum performed an extensive assessment of our entire environment and recommended changes and enhancements. I was very impressed by their analysis and immediately understood how sophisticated their security is compared to where we were at the time. We made the change and although change is always difficult, Withum made it as seamless as possible.

Cyber Real Estate Development Company, President


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