The World Health Organization estimates that 1.3 billion people – or 1 in 6 people worldwide – live with some form of disability.

Given the importance of the internet, accessibility to the web is of critical importance to people with disabilities around the world, including people with auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual disabilities. It is likewise important to those with accessibility needs.

Withum is committed to ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. As potential customers and team members, they are important contributors to our business success and should not be excluded, but rather welcomed into the Withum family. We will maximize the access of people with disabilities to the Withum website.

New and updated web content produced by our organization follows Guidelines 2.1 level A/AA (WCAG 2.1 A/AA). This page describes the additional options that are available to help you view and navigate our website.


This website supports most commonly-used browsers, including Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Screen resolution

This website is optimized to be viewed on a variety of devices and at different screen resolutions with a minimum amount of scrolling, panning, and zooming.


Images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes, where possible. This is to facilitate the use of screen readers and other such devices.

Audio files

To listen to Withum’s podcasts, you can play the file directly on the provided landing page, without having to download a media player.


Text alternatives are available for most multimedia content in the form of close captions via YouTube.


All pages contain a link to the home page, sitemap and search box. The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent fashion to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.


If you would like to use a screen reader to read PDF documents you can find out more on the Adobe Accessibility website.

Third-Party Applications

While you are visiting our site, you will notice that we make use of third-party sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Typeform, etc. to provide information about Withum. Though individuals may have challenges with access to these particular sites, Withum does not control or remedy the way content is portrayed.

Further Assistance

If you have further questions or feedback relating to this website, please make your inquiry on our contact us form.