Someday I Will Die

I don’t know when, but it will happen. What I do know is that I can do things to prolong my life, and make it more pleasant.

I can eat better, sleep better, exercise better, stop doing things that add stress to my life, take vacations that are really vacations – no phone, no email, no Facebook, Tweets or Blogging – and just be nicer. I can spend more quality time with my wife and family.

I can also reduce time-wasting actions. I can stop doing things that have no meaning – mindless things that seem to eat up time and that don’t provide any satisfaction. And, I can stop doing things that seem important at that moment, but really aren’t so important.

I can let those who are close to me know how I feel about them, let them know about things that are important to me and the way I would like to be remembered.

I can start doing things that would have a lasting impact on others – volunteer more, teach and mentor more, write more meaningful articles (is this one of them?), be more helpful where help is needed and more supportive when support is needed.

I can be a better person. I can also start right now. I just need to do it. I will try. So can you!

Someday it will be too late!

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