Our Most Unpopular President

People measure a president’s popularity by polls, and by the number and percentage of votes they received and perhaps by favorability ratings.

One of our previous presidents can be regarded as perhaps our most unpopular president when he took office because he received one of the lowest percentages of the total votes of any president – 39.8%. He was only nominated by his party because he was the least offensive of the four people contending. As soon as it became apparent he would be the next president seven states left the Union. Further, the people he chose for his cabinet hated him and tried to subvert everything he wanted to do. Nothing in the man’s history indicated that he could be successful. He previously lost two elections for Congress and also two for the Senate, he dropped out of grade school, went broke in a business, his sweetheart died untimely, he had an unhappy marriage, a nervous breakdown, was gawky and always brooding, not attractive and had a funny voice. He once gave one of the greatest speeches of all time and the audience was indifferent. In fact except for one election as a Congressman the only other election he won was the Presidency…in 1860. Today Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of our greatest presidents.

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