Andy’s 40th Birthday!

Yesterday was my son Andy’s 40th birthday.  Usually, birthdays and anniversaries come and go, but round numbers seem to present milestones that cause reflection.

This reflection is not about Andy, but about the passage of time for me.  It seems that just yesterday I was contemplating my own 40th birthday.  I was never that big on birthdays and round number dates passed like any other birthday.  However, a few months before my 40th birthday it dawned on me that I was going to be 40… and a sort of “funk” seeped in.

I did a lot of reflection and felt that if I was going to make any changes that would be the time.  I had a happy growing family, a successful CPA practice, and was satisfied with my situation.  But, if there was something else out there for me, this would have been the time to make a change.  Being methodical, I started listing all my alternatives and possibilities, and assessing the happiness and fun potential and the financial opportunities.  It was a nine month process that had me deciding that what I was doing was what I wanted to do.  I did make some changes in my practice becoming more entrepreneurial and expanding client services and staff training (with the support of Sy and Paul, my two partners), and the firm grew even bigger and more profitable.  BTW, I still have those pages.

Now, 31 years later, I am able to look back at a great trip with no regrets.  I have had a happy time with a great wife and family, great partners, clients and friends.  But, while looking back raises fond memories, it is looking forward that creates the excitement.  I am still active in consulting, performing business valuations and financial and succession planning for clients, but at a stage where I can pick and choose the most interesting assignments, and have much time for writing, teaching, mentoring and seeking opportunities to give back. I also have time to “play” with my stamps, become engrossed in my other hobbies and charitable activities.  There is a lot more to come for me.

Andy’s birthday is also super significant to me because that is the day Ronnie and I became parents.  I remember every second of that day.  Less than two minutes after he was born I was holding him in my arms, counting his fingers and praying to God that he would be healthy and grow up believing in Him.  Andy’s life is on track, and so is mine.

Happy Birthday, Andy.  God Bless you!

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