Did you know Withum mitigated and continues to mitigate several massive data breaches globally from small-to-medium-sized businesses to global enterprise-class environments? Did you know that Withum has identified and assisted in the apprehension of over 65+ cybercriminals to date, minimized and eliminated regulatory and potential legal sanctions related to network intrusions? Cyber thieves and hackers don’t discriminate in who they target and know SMBs are easier targets and lack the appropriate security controls and expertise found in larger organizations. And, this goes beyond credit card data; they target Personally Identifiable Information (PII), client information, records, and more.

Even if you have been a victim of a data breach, you need to understand multi-dimensional concerns, explore several options, develop the best plan of action, and put objective and genuine global expertise to use. Let Withum’s experts assist in separating the ‘wheat from the chaff’, provide valuable information, reduce potentially costly impacts, and provide substantive results.

Did you know that data breaches are not just caused by external intruders? The FBI Reports more data breaches from disgruntled employees. Insider attacks continue to be a very real and common threat to organizations. These internally caused incidents usually occur on or around the time an employee or vendor left their employer. A lack of security expertise, organizational ‘group think’, knowingly and/or unknowingly ignoring data leakage, improper security controls, and/or failing to head warnings is a recipe for major disasters.

The FBI warns that increased use of cloud computing means that employees are now better able to steal, delete, and manipulate a company’s data. Simply put, an insider data breach is easier to pull off now than it ever was before. In these types of environments, it’s not a question of ‘if’ it will happen; but ‘when’ a major incident will happen. Disgruntled Employees, Vendors, and External Intruders used to access to company data for the following summary reasons:

  • Steal business intellectual property, trade secret, confidential information, and/or personally identifiable information (“PII Data”)
  • Steal software and passwords
  • Destroy important data
  • Hold business hostage
  • Take Economic Advantage of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Trading
  • Provide Victim Data to Adversaries or Competitors
  • Make fraudulent purchases using company or customer data
  • Publicly embarrass employers, executives, and business clients
  • And much more.

From the tactical measurement of your business risk and diagnosing the health and safety of all your critical business assets to protection assurance and a comprehensive security review, Withum’s experts have the knowledge and experience to assess and remediate your environment. Start protecting your business now.

Regardless of whether a data breach is externally or internally caused, they are preventable, there are always indicators prior to major incidents, and evidence always exists. Proactive mitigation of cyber risk is far less costly than just being reactive.

Don’t wait, let Withum diagnose your systems and incidents today. Contact us for a free consultation.

Withum can help you assess and remediate your environment, see below for services:

Withum e3 Pulse® provides a tactical measurement of your business risk, efficiently and inexpensively. Withum e3 Pulse® uses a five-step process to measure your system’s risk, based on a limited sample of business or IT assets. You’ll receive scored results with potential remedial actions, so you’ll know whether your information is safe, and even more important, what to do if it’s not.
Withum e3 Red Team® provides a tailored plan, a proven structure, and an effective delivery mechanism to address what really matters to your business. Withum e3 Red Team® diagnoses the health and safety of all your critical business assets, not just technology, and provides unbiased ‘checks and balances’ necessary to minimize risk on an on-going basis. This can be delivered either on an external or in-sourced basis.
Withum Protection Assurance is the only effective means to ensure that your business and critical assets are protected from constantly evolving threats. The proven ‘Check-Up, Diagnosis and Treatment’ cycle discovers business risk, diagnoses root causes, applies a pragmatic treatment strategy and tactical action plan to mitigate risk(s) quickly while eliminating risk(s) recurrence.
Withum Archangel provides a comprehensive security review, performed at a level that meets the US Department of Homeland Security’s critical infrastructure protection specifications. It is performed by professionals who created and wrote the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). Withum Archangel also provides realistic threat and impact assessments of your organization to accurately identify and assess realistic and often significant concealed risks.

Client Testimonials

Due to some concerns with our former IT consultants, we began searching for a new provider. We chose Withum's Cybersecurity team, as their services range from providing IT Consulting and IT Security, to incident response and forensics. Before officially hiring them, Withum performed an extensive assessment of our entire environment and recommended changes and enhancements. I was very impressed by their analysis and immediately understood how sophisticated their security is compared to where we were at the time. We made the change and although change is always difficult, Withum made it as seamless as possible.

Cyber Real Estate Development Company, President