About the Client
Two organizations, both in the equipment rental industry, came together as a result of a recent acquisition. One company rents actual construction equipment to clients, while the other company is a software company that develops solutions for organizations in the equipment rental space, such as sports gear and party rentals. The software development company has more than 800 clients in the U.S. and Canada. Their software packages not only help companies with point of sale and rental aspects of the business, but also ease daily operations of service departments and accounting.
The Challenge
As a result of the acquisition, there arose a desire for a brand new equipment rental software platform for the newly formed company itself.
The company’s management team planned to also sell the new solution externally to other rental companies. The management team sought assistance from third-party developers to help develop the new rental software product. The third-party developers also assisted in creating the user interface and database.
The management team’s core competencies did not include software development. Because of their limited expertise in the software development cycle, the original project for which the third-party developers were engaged contained gaps that limited the ability to create an effective product under a reasonable timeframe and budget. These limitations and the original contract scope led to a communication gap between management and the contracted developers. This communication gap resulted in slow project progression as well as management’s dissatisfaction with its initial understanding of the product features.
The project had no clear goals, was at risk for budget overages, and did not have a development rollout plan.Senior management had no post-launch product strategy and the contracted developers had a misunderstanding about the product’s features and business plan.
Learn how Withum helped senior management develop a product strategy and steered the app development project back on track. Download case study.