Withum Welcomes Judge Margaret M. Foti to Forensic and Valuation Services Practice

Withum is proud to share that Hon. Margaret M. Foti P.J., Cr. (Ret.), formerly the presiding Judge of the Criminal Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Bergen County, and a member of the judiciary for 14 years, is now a Principal in Withum’s Forensic and Valuation Services team.

Judge Foti served over eight years in the Criminal Division, six as presiding judge and over five years in the Family Division. In addition to her time on the Bench, Judge Foti has over 20 years of experience assisting individual, corporate and governmental clients in civil and criminal matters. At Withum, she specializes in civil and criminal investigations, both governmental and internal, monitorships, receiverships and other court-appointed assignments.

Judge Foti’s years of service bring an invaluable perspective to our team. Her knowledge and breadth of experience will be another exceptional resource for our clients.

Tom Hoberman, Managing Director of the Forensic and Valuation Services Team

Withum’s Forensic and Valuation Services Team is comprised of highly credentialed experts including CPAs, CFEs, CFFs, ASAs, ABVs, CVAs, MAIs, Private Investigators, and former FBI agents. They provide services to Courts, law firms, companies, and individuals, including, but not limited to, forensic and white-collar investigations, digital forensic analysis, business disputes, economic damages, marital dissolution, background investigations, mergers and acquisitions, and estate and gift valuations.

Learn more about Withum’s litigation consulting services.