Double Taxation

Weekend Roundup 7

Weekend Roundup

A few things you may have missed this weekend while soaking in the first sign of spring: pitchers and catchers havereported to Phillies’ camp.

The IRS is willing to pay $15 million for a PR firm to help improve its ruthless public image. It appears in retrospect, building the Service’s previous marketing campaign around the slogan, “We’re the IRS. Don’t F–k With Us,” wasn’t such a great idea.

There has been no shortage of wild suggestions on how the U.S. can raise additional tax revenue to chip away atits monumental deficit, but here’s an unconventional plan I can get behind: a federal sex tax. While some may find a $2 fee on each no-pants dance to be a costly — and grossly invasive — proposition, I’m all for it, because as a married man with a toddler, the proposal would only increase my annual tax bill by the cost of a gallon of gas. HI-YO!!

Noticeably absent from the payroll tax legislation was the extension of a number of expired provisions, including the R&D credit. The hesitancy seems to stem from the package’s $25 billion price tag, which makes little to no sense, as Congress declining to tack a mere $25 billion onto the current $15 trillion national debt is the governmental equivalent of Farva refusing to pay a quarter to Dimpusize his meal.

New Jersey finds itself in need of additional revenue to cover a planned 10% reduction in its individual income tax rate. Funny; I would have thought the State’s decision to tax fake tans would have generated enough cash to eliminate any budget concerns for the next 2,000 years.

Lastly, this video is proof that the U.S. is the greatest nation in the world. No other country offers the same combination of infinite resources and abundant free time necessary to take an idea like this from concept to reality:

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