Our Dash of SALT Blog provides the most recent developments and changes in state and local tax regulations. Here are the latest updates for Vermont.

August 14, 2024

Vermont Repeals Sales Tax Exemption on Cloud Software

On June 17, 2024, the Vermont Legislature repealed the sales and use tax exemption on remotely accessed prewritten computer software (H.B.887). Beginning July 1, 2024, the state’s definition of taxable tangible personal property will include prewritten computer software regardless of how the software is paid for, delivered, or accessed by the consumer. Since 2012, the taxability of software has been in flux in Vermont. First, through a moratorium and, more recently, in 2015, with a change of definition that did not specify how the prewritten software was delivered. The current change clarifies that remotely accessed prewritten software will no longer be considered exempt from sales taxes and is taxed at Vermont’s rate of 6%.

For additional information, please refer to Bill Status H.887 (Act 183).

If you have questions about how states tax digital goods and services, please reach out to a member of the Withum SALT Team.

December 12, 2021

Vermont Releases New Apportionment and Allocation Regulations

Vermont has updated its sales sourcing rules for sales, other than sale of tangible personal property. Effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, sales other than the sale of tangible personal property should be sourced to the “market state” rather than where the costs were incurred. Effective December 1, 2021, Vermont has amended its regulations to reflect this change and has provided additional guidance for specific industries (e.g., architectural and engineering firms, law firms, brokerage services).

June 9, 2021

Vermont Updates Guidance for Remote Workers

The Vermont Department of Taxes has updated its guidance for remote workers. Anyone who is a non-resident but temporarily living and working in Vermont, has an obligation to pay Vermont income taxes on the income earned while living and performing work in Vermont. This is true even if the person was in Vermont due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and regardless of whether the person’s employer is located inside or outside of Vermont. Individuals are subject to Vermont income tax under two circumstances: they are residents of Vermont, either by domicile or presence in the state for more than 183 days; or they earn Vermont income. Those persons who have been residing in Vermont for more than two weeks, but generally live and work in another state, are required to pay income tax on the money that is earned while in Vermont. This applies even if the person is paid by an out-of-state employer. However, for persons who live out of state, but previously commuted to Vermont and now live and work outside of Vermont, the income earned while at home is not Vermont income (even though the employer is still located in Vermont), and is not subject to Vermont income tax. For more information, please see Filing Guidance for Remote Workers, Vt. Dept. of Taxes, 05/26/2021.

May 21, 2021

Vermont Makes Changes to Captive Insurance Filing Requirements

Effective May 12, 12/2021, Virginia has amended the requirements for which types of captive insurance companies must file an annual report by March 15 of each year by adding agency captive insurance companies. Previously, only pure captive insurance companies, association captive insurance companies, sponsored captive insurance companies, and industrial insured captive insurance were required to file. It also allows agency captive insurance companies to make a written application for filing the required report on a fiscal year-end. For specific information, please visit the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation.

March 23, 2021

Vermont Update on Extension of Filing Deadline

The Vermont Department of Taxes has announced that it will follow the deadline change made by the IRS for individual income tax returns, extending the due date for state individual income tax returns to May 17, 2021 without any penalties or interest. Taxpayers who are expecting a refund are encouraged to file as soon as they have all of their tax information and are able to do so, in order to get their refund as quickly as possible. The extension also applies to homestead declarations and property tax credit claims, which can be filed with personal income tax returns by May 17, without penalties or interest. ( COVID-19 Update: Tax Year 2020 Personal Income Tax Filing Due Date, Vt. Dept. of Taxes, 03/18/2021 .)

March 21, 2020

No Changes to VT Tax Filing Due Date

VT not changing the state’s tax filing due date as of now. The Vermont Department of taxes is not changing the tax filing due date for Personal and Corporate Income taxes as well as certain Business Taxes. However, the Vermont Department of Taxes is in discussions with the Governor’s Office and Vermont Legislature about various upcoming due dates for these taxes. The Department is looking to provide guidance soon.

July 2019

Updated Corporate Tax Change

IRC Conformity Date – Applicable for tax years beginning January 1, 2018 and on, Vermont has adopted the federal income tax laws. This is effective January 1, 2019.
Sourcing Rules – Vermont has updated its sourcing rule to market based sourcing for intangibles.

Marketplace Facilitator – Sales Tax Requirements

Beginning June 1, 2019, marketplace facilitators are now required to collect and remit sales tax if sales total $100,000 or more or have more than 200 sales in the state.

Disclaimer: Please note this is the information that is readily available at this time, it is subject to change so please consult your Withum tax advisor.

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The State and Local Tax (SALT) laws vary from state to state and are constantly changing. Reach out to Withum’s SALT Team for guidance on how to navigate your state’s local tax laws.