Whether you are considering technology implementation, organizational restructuring, operational changes, or a strategic shift in your business model, effective change management is critical in creating successful change. Withum provides change management consulting and user adoption services across multiple industries backed by our experience.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin


Change Efforts Fail

Typically as a result of poor change management

Number 0

Cause of Change Failure

Employee resistance and ineffective management

We focus on numerous areas throughout a change management consulting project including:

  • Uncovering hindrances to effective communications.
  • Assessing/Monitoring Change Readiness Behavior.
  • Identifying Job Role impacts where change is critical to successful adoption.
  • Developing effective Training Strategies.
  • Establishing or amending Governance Strategy impacts once the change is live to maintain sustainability and report on value realization.
Increase Project “Batting Average”

Project Success: A project’s ability to meet key objectives, to complete milestones on time and within the allotted budget, and to achieve the anticipated returns based on investment in the project.

Develop Ownership to Sustain Change

Ownership: Take the mystery out of change and give it meaning and purpose by sharing information. This action breeds Change Champions, loyalty and empowerment as employees have vested interest in the change and a stake in the process.

Minimize Risk

Employee Resistance: An employee’s opposition to change or the effects of a change through actions or behavior.

Typical triggers that result in change management and user adoption programs:

  • System Implementations (ERP/CRM, Office 365/Microsoft Teams)
  • Mergers and/or Acquisitions
  • Business Transformation
  • Organizational Restructuring
  • Cost/Workforce Reduction
  • Process Improvements
  • Strategy Realignment
  • Policy/Procedure Changes

How We Can Help

Our services are customizable to your organization. Our solutions emulate a Good, Better, Best model where our clients select the level of support in specific areas of their business that they deem most critical. Let’s make your chance of success a reality. Engaging certified change practitioners can help increase your chances of a successful transition.

Our Prosci certified experts will develop change management consulting services specific to your needs. Our services include the following:

  • Discovery and Assessment. Understand business objectives, identify key sponsors and assess the potential challenges of a change management program.
  • End-to-End Strategy Design. Define a strategy to achieve business outcomes i.e, communication, training and reinforcement.
  • Execution of Change Plan. Support your execution of the strategy. i.e train the trainer, end-user training, execute awareness campaign.
  • Ongoing Support. Leverage reporting or feedback to display impact toward goals and review opportunities.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your business needs, please connect with a member of our team.


Joseph R. Riccie


Princeton, NJ - Corporate Headquarters