Accounting Today published their list of the 2019 Best Firms for Technology. Withum has been named one of the Best Large Firms for Technology. Whether you call it the Information Age, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or just another day of the week, there is no doubt that a massive wave of technological change is sweeping over every sector of the economy. Businesses are being swamped, and many others are barely staying afloat – but a small group are riding the wave to a more successful future.

Accounting Today states that “the accounting profession is caught up in the same wave as everyone else, so they decided to seek out the firms that are in that small group – those that are embracing technology and leveraging it to build more responsive, more profitable and more sustainable practices – with the twin goals of recognizing these leading-edge firms and identifying best practices and strategies that other firms can adopt.”

Learn more about the 2019 Best Firms for Technology.

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