Double Taxation

Super Bowl Tax Tale Of The Tape: Who Ya' Got?

Super Bowl Tax Tale Of The Tape: Who Ya’ Got?

Super Bowl parties are the worst, and that’s largely because people are the worst. I’m no literary buff, but I’m pretty sure that cramming a couple dozen yahoos into a living room for three hours so they can scream incoherently at an inanimate object was one of Dante’s levels of hell.
Things are even worse for us tax professionals. When the party winds down late Sunday night, we’re greeted with the reality that we’re mere hours away from starting another hellacious “busy season” work week, this one with a bit of a hangover.
The only thing that makes a Super Bowl party palatable — aside from the nachos – is having a rooting interest in one of the teams. Of course, if you hail from Colorado or Washington, your allegiances are firmly entrenched. But if you call one of the other 48 states homes, who should you root for?
To help the decision making process, I’ve put together this handy comparison that summarizes the salient issues that you, the sports fan-tax geek — need to know before deciding who deserves your love on Sunday night.  Think of the table as one of the Tax Court’s “factor tests,” while the Broncos may win the preponderance of the factors, you may weigh the factors based on your personal ideology and reach a different overall conclusion.

Superbowl-Nitti2(Click to enlarge)

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