Get to Know Me
Over the past 30 years Rob Campbell has acquired vast experience in the retail automotive industry and has served as a dealership consultant for the past 25 years. He is focused on working with dealerships to improve their operations through better planning and financial review. Rob is nationally known for helping dealers understand and get better results from their fixed operations. With his extensive training and experience in fraud investigations, he also helps dealerships develop better internal controls to improve their business processes and risk management. With his operational understanding, Rob also performs due diligence reviews and constructs financial pro formas as required during buy-sells or by the manufacturer.
Rob’s career also includes serving as a manager in all areas of fixed operations as well as retail sales. He has held positions within the dealership, where he gained experience with 14 different franchises, including domestic, European and Asian brands.
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Contact MeA published author, Rob has written extensively about issues concerning dealership operations, fixed operations management and warranty administration. He has authored 17 books and manuals and also served as contributing editor for DealersEdge. He has conducted training sessions and worked as a consultant for many dealerships throughout the country. Rob is an accomplished webinar presenter and is a frequent and popular speaker at industry events, including nine NADA conventions.
Latest Thinking

Dealer Vision: Volume VII
End Summer on a high note by diving into these exciting articles written byMichael Mulhearn,Michele D’Antonio,Robert Campbell and first-time writer,Joseph Polanco. We will discuss if trade-ins are eligible for a […]

Privacy and Safeguarding
Since 2003, dealerships have been charged with safeguarding and protecting consumer information. Many of our clients have worked diligently to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s requirements. Coordinators were assigned, […]

Court Case Clarifies Trade-in Timing
Share A recent New Jersey tax court decision made it clear about the required relationship between a trade-in and subsequent vehicle purchase to make the transaction eligible for the trade-in […]