Get to Know Me

Marcus is a principal with over 15 years of providing tax and business advisory services. As one of the leaders of Withum’s Tax Controversy practice, he has extensive experience in resolving federal, state and local tax controversies including, but not limited to, matters involving Tax Examinations, Appeals, Collections, Innocent Spouse, Responsible Party, and Offer-in-Compromise.

In addition, he has experience in the field of law representing clients in commercial and tax disputes before state courts, Federal District Court and the United States Tax Court. Marcus also has extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution, which he frequently used to resolve disputes by means other than litigation.

Let’s get started with a conversation today.

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As for business transactions, he has experience in drafting, reviewing and negotiating the language of a wide array of transactions documents including, but not limited to, buy/sell agreements, portfolio management agreements, swap agreements, limited liability company agreements and indentures.

He is admitted to practice law in Federal District Court as well as United States Tax Court.

Latest Thinking

Automatic Form 5471 Penalty Still in Question, as Farhy Files Petition for Rehearing

On June 4, 2024, Alon Farhy filed a petition for a panel rehearing with the circuit court in response to the May 3, 2024, DC Court of Appeals ruling upholding […]

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IRS Tax Audit
IRS Audits of High-Net-Worth Individuals - The Case of “Getting Around to It” and the Missing Tax Returns

Have you been too busy to file your tax return for multiple years and just couldn’t get around to it? Was your income during those years more than $400,000? Have […]

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Failure-To-File Form 5471 Penalties Against Farhy Valid, DC Court of Appeals Rules

On May 3, 2024, the DC Court of Appeals ruled that the IRS had the authority to automatically assess the $10,000 penalty for failure-to-file Form 5471 – overturning an April […]

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