Withum is proud to share that Disability:IN, a global organization driving disability inclusion and equality in business, in partnership with the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), awarded Withum a score of 100 on their annual index for the second year in a row.
The Disability Equality Index® (DEI) is the world’s most comprehensive benchmarking tool for the Fortune 1000 and Am Law 2001 to measure disability workplace inclusion.
We couldn’t be more honored to share this milestone and recognition. Our intentional commitment to workplace inclusion allows our team members to show up authentically – aligning with our people-centric Employer of Choice culture. Building off the lessons learned from our participation in the 2021 and 2022 DEI, we have been laser-focused on opportunities to enhance and embed best practices surrounding accessibility, culture, supplier diversity and career advancement for people with disabilities.
Bill Bradshaw, Director of Inclusion and Diversity
The DEI measures Culture & Leadership, Enterprise-Wide Access, Employment Practices (Benefits, Recruitment, Employment, Education, Retention & Advancement, Accommodations), Community Engagement, Supplier Diversity and Non-U.S. Operations. This year, the DEI included a new, non-weighted Community Engagement question that asked whether a company included an accessibility statement on their public-facing website. In 2023, 485 corporations utilized the DEI to benchmark their disability inclusion efforts.
Disability:IN offers resources to its network of corporate partners, including industry data and analysis, benchmarking insight and network connections to help them champion their associates with disabilities and drive business disability inclusion worldwide.
Withum is a corporate partner and one of the businesses whose CEO signed Disability:IN’s CEO Letter on Disability Inclusion.
Learn more about Withum’s inclusion and diversity efforts.