Why Implement an Efficient Time Tracking App in an App-Centric Economy

By Brad Smolen, Business and Management Consulting Services

What is an App-Centric ERP?

An App-Centric ERP uses an economy of app-based business functions designed to improve productivity and efficiency within a company’s operations. These apps are tied into any existing cloud-based ERP system, like NetSuite, and can be tailored to assist all sectors of a company. The biggest benefit of having this centralized system, is it serves as an all-in-one tool to promote growth and organization. Possible App add-ons include a CRM, HR, Marketing, Inventory, and more. One of the most beneficial apps used in an ERP is a time tracking app to enhance accountability and accuracy in employees’ hours.

Why is Precise Time Tracking Important?

Simply put time tracking is the documentation of employees’ hours, and where those hours were put towards to benefit the company. Having an inaccurate time tracking system can cause serious loss in profits, productivity, and employee morale. Though time tracking used to be a painstaking, manual process, an automated, efficient time tracking app, connected to a company’s ERP, makes it easier than ever before to keep records accurately and quickly. With these precise records on file, companies can now have one less tedious task to worry about.

Is It Time for a Time Tracking App?

Companies sometimes hesitate when it comes to a change in technology. There are some indicators that bosses or employees may see arise which can indicate that it’s time for a change in how records are kept. Here are some common phrases from employees that can show a business that it may be able to take advantage of the app ecosystem, as well as the time tracking app:

  • “I wish I could create more reports automatically”
  • “It would be nice if all our data was synced”
  • “We have to use a manual work around for that”
  • “I spend most of my time working in Excel”
  • “Our system doesn’t have that functionality built in”

The sooner a time tracking app is integrated into an ERP, the faster a time-consuming task can be eliminated, and a business’s efficiency increased. Regardless of which app is decided on, having one of these, (some options listed below), will help alleviate manual tasks and better provide an accurate record of employee time and responsibilities.

What are the Best Time Tracking Options Available?

TSheets by QuickBooks (www.tsheets.com)

TSheets is one of the best available time tracking apps, and since it run by QuickBooks, it can easily be integrated with an ERP. They offer different timesheets and time tracking methods that go wherever workers do to streamline processes and supercharge a business. TSheets offers a mobile app that workers can keep up with their time tracking, no matter their location. TSheets users reduce payroll costs and save on average three hours a week managing employee time. All users get free, unlimited customer support on the phone and online. For latest pricing visit Tsheets.

Paychex Flex (www.paychex.com)

Paychex Flex (“Paychex”) is a great tracking app, since it also ties into HR within the same application. They have tailored plans based on company size ranging from small (1-9 employees), medium (10-49 employees), and large (50-1000+ employees). Paychex offers a range of features including a manager dashboard, flexible punch-in options, calendar sync, and much more that is all accessible on a mobile app. They also offer a physical punch-in device that attaches to the wall and syncs with your app to seamlessly pair with the software. Paychex pricing is only available with a quote online.

ClockShark (www.clockshark.com)

ClockShark is best for residential, commercial, and subcontracting construction jobs that put workers at different locations. GPS time tracking with custom geofencing gives your crew a better way to clock their time. It’s the simplest way to track and manage a crew’s time. Like the other two applications, ClockShark is accessible on a mobile app. ClockShark has three pricing options available. For latest pricing, please visit ClockShark.

Still need guidance deciding if you can benefit from a time tracking app or can’t decide which way to go? Reach out to us using the form below.

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