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Pope Francis’ New Year’s Eve Message: Be Nice

Pope Francis’ New Year’s Eve Message: Be Nice

“I feel a sense of fondness and gratitude for all those people who each day contribute, with small but valuable concrete gestures, to the good of Rome: they try as best they can to fulfil their duty; they move through the traffic with discernment and prudence, respecting public places and signaling the things that do not work; they are attentive to people who are elderly or in difficulty, and so on. In these and a thousand other ways they concretely express love for the city. Without speeches, without publicity, but with a style of civic education practiced in daily life. And in this way they quietly cooperate for the common good.”

The above is a portion of Pope Francis’ Homily delivered at the Vatican Basilica on New Year’s Eve December 31, 2017. The essence of what he said should be adopted by everyone – Be nice!

Be nice!

A link to his entire message is:

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