Partners' Network

Free CPE For Accountants… and Maybe Clients Too

This blog is written primarily for clients and also to share some personal, but not political, reflections and opinions. However, based on the requests I get for my goodies there are a large number of accountants that also read this blog. So, today I am specifically addressing them with this information about free webinars I am presenting for them. However, some might also be of interest to clients, so everyone should take a look, and I explain why.

Here is my November webinar schedule at CPA Academy for free webinars.

  • Nov 2, 9:30 am – 8 Ways to Value The Same Closely Held Business
  • Nov 6, 9 am – Pricing, Billing and Collecting Accounting Fees
  • Nov 10, 5 pm – Advising Clients on Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Nov 13, 9 am – Financial Statement Myths
  • Nov 16, 9 am – 30 Ways a Client can Transfer Ownership to a Successor
  • Nov 16, 5:00 – To Bot or Not to Bot – There should be No Question. This will be with Jody Padar the Radical CPA and I think you will find this eye-opening.

CPA Academy is a major provider of webinars, but here is a direct link for my programs:

If you are a client of mine or any accounting firm, you might find the Pricing program interesting since it will also affect you. If you own a business the 8 Ways to Value a Business is a great program (I presented it last week at the Corpus Crispi Texas Estate Planning Council via Zoom). So is the Financial Statement Myths and the 30 Ways for Succession Planning. If you are in business and do not have a buy-sell agreement, then shame on you and you better get one. My buy-sell program will tell you what you need and how to get it… at low cost. In case you aren’t aware of it, a buy-sell agreement is a will for a business. The Bot program with Jody Padar the Radical CPA will cover state-of-the-art internal accounting and bookkeeping services using artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.

My accountant friends could learn from all of these, but if they do not attend the pricing program, they must have a screw loose. This will tell them how to make more money without any effort. I will tell you about one thing Peter Weitsen heard at a pricing program he attended in 1993 that made us $20,000 that year and over $100,000 a year in later years. I would have gone with him, but was away on vacation when the program was presented. Over 2000 accountants are expected to attend this program.

Anyway, my schedule is above. Do with it what you want. You do not need to be a CPA to attend, but you will need to register. Attendees will receive the typical Ed Mendlowitz extensive PowerPoint presentations. They will not be distributed to people who aren’t attending since my comments will not be included with the slides. You got to hear me while looking at the slides.

If you have any business or financial issues you want to discuss please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

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