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Everybody Has a Fantasy Baseball Activity

…except it might be fixing up a fixer-upper vacation house, reading the latest novels, collecting stamps, binge-watching certain television series, developing photos in a darkroom, or learning to tap dance. Everybody has something that consumes their attention and time outside of work.

At some point, some people might think what someone else does with their time is weird or a time-waster, but it is their hobby. They like it, it interests them, provides enjoyment and relief, and is a means of escaping from some of life’s pressures.

As odd as you might think what they do is, they probably think the same about what you do. And do you know what? It doesn’t matter what they think of you or you of them. It is your business and their business and good for you or them. Perhaps people should stop thinking so much about what other people do or are, and just be glad they are happy, and you should be glad you are happy and never mind about others if it doesn’t concern or affect you.

BTW, Fantasy Baseball is done with interactions with the other “teams” while many of the other activities are solitary in nature. Maybe Fantasy Baseball ain’t so crazy.

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