Darren Hardy is Switching Careers

In January’s Success magazine, Darren Hardy announced that he’s moving on to a “new career.” He was its publisher since 2007 and during that time he has written some thought provoking and action evoking books and has established himself as a leading keynote speaker and peak performance coach. He gave as one of his motivating reasons his desire to murder complacency, and that is what I want to say a few words about.

My blog that was posted onApril 30, 2015suggested that most people fall into a trap created by taking the first job offered or the one that sounds the best without considering what they really like and would want to do. I cautioned about this and told how this determines a lot of unsatisfying futures. Rather, I suggested they go forth with what they really want. Darren Hardy seems to be doing this.

Darren has had a few successful careers and while he writes self-help books for others, he seems to be taking his own advice. He reasons that the death knell of your drive and spirit is a complacency that suppresses potential without it being realized. He continues, “after we have reached an adequate level of success, with enough social admiration, a feeling of certainty and self-esteem obtained, we become content…Our brains instinctively conserve energy by relying on things staying the same…Being complacent is easy. Changing something because it‘s the right thing to do is hard. So we stay with jobs, relationships, lifestyles and identities way longer than we should… Complacency entraps us.”

Darren wants to do other things. He wants to conquer new frontiers, experience new adventures and grow further. To do so, he needs to shatter his complacency. He has a lofty mission – to onboard 10 million entrepreneurs and to positively impact great influencers through personal mentorship. He knows what he wants – he took the plunge – and he is pursuing his dream of new mountains to climb. He is taking an admirable step – actually a big leap – and I wish him great success.

I suggest using Darren as a role model that you do not need to be a recent graduate to go forth with what you really want to do – you just need to know what it is and gather the nerve to crush your complacency to reach for it.


The quotes and comments about Darren Hardy were from his CD and column in the January 2016 issue of Success.

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