Advice to Joel – Managing Staff

Joel used to work for me and we had lunch just before he was starting in a new position where he would be responsible (for the first time) for hiring and supervising quite a few staff people.  He asked me if I had any advice for him.


Here it is:

  1. Treat your staff the way you would have liked to be treated when you were in their position
  2. Establish unequivocal standards, be consistent and don’t compromise… even if it delays getting something out
  3. You cannot grow if you are not able to delegate effectively and empower your staff to make decisions.  Be clear, concise, patient, set realistic deadlines and allow time for review
  4. Try to give positive comments just before they go home each day
  5. Develop a culture that makes people want to work for you


This is great advice for anyone in a position where they are managing people.

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