Get to Know Me
Scott is a Partner based in Withum’s Whippany, NJ office, and is Practice Co-Leader of the Firm’s Healthcare Services Team and a member of the Firm’s Not-for-Profit Services Team. He is a nationally-recognized presenter on topics related to healthcare and tax-exempts with over 25 years of tax consulting and compliance service experience to both the healthcare and tax-exempt industries, including integrated healthcare delivery systems, hospitals, academic medical centers, physicians, colleges and universities, foundations, associations, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. In addition, Scott also provides tax compliance and tax consulting services to high net worth individuals. In addition to traditional tax services, Scott’s other specialized areas of tax expertise include Form 990 planning; governance; executive compensation and employee benefits; community benefit; tax-exempt bonds; joint ventures; unclaimed property; intermediate sanctions; corporate restructuring, including mergers and acquisitions; fair market analysis and due diligence services; and IRS and state audit examination representation.
Let’s get started with a conversation today.
Contact MeGive Back
Scott is a frequent author and speaker on healthcare and not-for-profit industry-related tax matters and issues with the Healthcare Financial Management Association. Scott has provided pro bono tax services to the Bergen County Legal Services for individuals who require tax advice but cannot afford to pay an attorney or accountant; his pro bono work was recognized with an award from the Bergen County Legal Services.
Latest Thinking

On-Demand Webinar: Healthcare Industry Tax Update 2021
Share Listen in as members from Withum’s Healthcare Services Team for an update of Federal and state tax law changes; IRS developments and regulations, best practices and practical recommendations for […]

On-Demand Webinar: 2020 Year-End Planning for Healthcare Organizations
Share 2020 Year-End Federal and State Employment Tax Planning and Reporting for Healthcare Organizations View Webinar On-Demand Webinar Details In this on-demand webinar, Scott Mariani, Linda Gnesin, Jim Bartek and […]

On-Demand Webinar: Healthcare Tax Implications of the 2020 Election
Prepare Your Healthcare Organization for the Future 2020 has been a trying year in healthcare to say the least. The pandemic has resulted in massive disruption and uncertainty and we […]