Get to Know Me
Bee Tan has over 20 years of experience specializing in international tax matters for individuals and corporations that employ them. This includes tax planning for individuals entering and leaving the U.S., as well as planning for companies who move employees internationally. She works with the HLB network of firms around the world to provide end to end service to international investors and businesses people around the world.
Specific services include cross-border tax planning, treaty interpretation and planning, international assignment budgeting and planning, corporate policy consulting and corporate compliance matters. She also oversees a team that handles tax compliance for U.S. citizens living outside the US and foreign nationals working or investing in the U.S.
Bee previously practiced in Hong Kong, Shanghai and London, and was a tax director with a Big Four firm in the Global Employee Solution/International assignment services Group.
Let’s get started with a conversation today.
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Owe Taxes? You May Lose Your Passport!
Federal Courts continue to reject constitutional challenges under the 5th Amendment to Section 7345, passed as part of the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act” in 2015. The law gives the […]
Exit Tax Planning to Avoid/Minimize Expatriation Exit Tax
What is Expatriation? An act of expatriation is whenever an individual permanently departs from a country. For example: A U.S. citizen who renounces citizenship or a U.S. lawful permanent resident […]
Tax Update for Americans Living and Investing Abroad
Share General Provisions The 2017 Tax Cut and Job Act (TCJA) included major revisions to the taxation of individuals. This included the temporary (through the 2025 tax year) reduction or […]