Withum is excited to share that USA TODAY and Statista named the Firm on the list of America’s Most Recommended Tax and Accounting Firms 2024.
For the first time, USA TODAY and Statista awarded the titles of “America’s Most Recommended Tax Firms” and “America’s Most Recommended Accounting Firms” through an independent survey based on the number of recommendations received from peers, clients and additional company data.
Previously, Withum was recognized annually by Forbes and Statista on the America’s Best Accounting and Tax Firms lists.
Respondents were recruited via an online survey and through a carefully profiled online-access panel. Recommendations from professionals working at tax and accounting firms (peers) and professionals working with tax and accounting firms (clients) were considered in equal measure. Both sets of respondents were asked to name ten firms they’d recommend based on their personal and professional experience over the last three years. The final list compiles respondent recommendations and company data provided.
Find the complete list of America’s Most Recommended Tax and Accounting Firms in USA TODAY.
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Statista publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of statista.com, the leading data and business intelligence portal that provides statistics, relevant business data, and various market and consumer studies and surveys.