Don’t Miss the Second Texas Franchise Tax Extension Due August 15!

Please remember that the Texas Franchise Tax Second Extension is due by August 15, 2019 for mandatory EFT payors (remittances of $10k or more the preceding state fiscal year). The Second Extension can be submitted via GoSystem with instructions for EFT or filed/paid online.

The payment should equal the amount of tax that will be reported as due on November 15. If all tax was paid with the first extension, use franchise tax Webfile or submit Form 05-164, Texas Franchise Tax Extension Request, to request a second extension.

Please note the extension for a non-EFT payor is valid through November 15, 2019, so a second extension is not required.

Also, note other states may have similar requirements. Therefore, please remember to verify your tax calendars are up-to-date.

Please contact Barry Horowitz, Jim Bartek, Jason Rosenberg or Zhoudi Tang with any questions or concerns.

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