Get to Know Me
Judy Doyle is a Senior Manager in Withum’s Forensic and Valuation Services team and has more than 15 years of experience in public accounting providing services to closely-held businesses, their owners and individuals. Over the last 10 years, Judy has had a concentration in forensic accounting, investigative accounting, business valuations of closely held businesses for estate/gift planning, business disputes and marital dissolution. She also provides support in the family law arena including business valuation, the performance of marital lifestyle analyses, determination of available cash flow and preparation of marital balance sheets to assist attorneys in calculating marital spending, alimony and child support, if applicable. She also has experience calculating earnings and cash flow relative to complex executive compensation structures that contain equity-based incentives including RSUs, PSUs and stock options.
Judy has been recognized as an expert witness and testified in the Superior Courts of New Jersey (Monmouth and Somerset Counties) and is a member of the Women’s Divorce Alliance.
Let’s get started with a conversation today.
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On-Demand Webinar: Navigating Personal and Business Tax Returns
What Tax Returns Can Tell You In this on-demand webinar, Withum’s Nicole Lyons and Judy Doyle go over what information can be compiled by viewing an individual or business tax […]