IRS Continuing Educational Efforts

IRS Continuing Educational Efforts

The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has made a concerted effort to make information and educational items, which are useful to both taxpayers and professionals, more readily available on its website.

IRS Podcasts

One such educational item now offered by the IRS is an issue podcast (“podcast”) which is a resource the IRS uses for sharing technical knowledge. Each podcast is about fifteen minutes in length and consists of an audio and visual presentation of a brief summary of the topic issue as well as references to key resource materials. A complete listing of all available podcasts may be found at with those podcasts that are particular to tax-exempt issues located at

The podcasts are available on a wide array of topics. The range of podcasts include, but are not limited to, topics for organizations that are just initiating the process of obtaining tax-exempt status and with respect to tax-exempt issues subject matter on how organizations can avoid jeopardizing tax-exempt status. In certain instances, a podcast may include general discussions with respect to activities which may jeopardize an organization’s tax-exempt status, including a discussion on private benefit and inurement.

For example, in reviewing the IRS’ podcast, Maintaining 501(c)(3) Status, the following focuses on the typical topics addressed. The podcast is broken down into the following sections: objectives, record keeping, required filings and compliance. Each section addresses what specific records, forms and any other pertinent information that the organization needs to file and maintain for its records.

Various Other Additional IRS Offerings

Furthermore, as the IRS continues on this educational initiative they have developed a webpage devoted entirely to continuing education for tax-exempt organizations, entitled “Educational Resources and Guidance for Exempt Organizations”. Included on the webpage are links to the following:

  • Virtual Training – Information pertaining to webinars and other recorded events.
  • Publications, forms and instructions – Provides links to those items which are germane to tax-exempt organizations.
  • Educational resources – Information pertaining to articles and other statistical information pertaining to tax-exempt organizations.
  • Live training – Provides information for all upcoming events presented by the IRS that can be attended in person.

Moreover, as we have previously outlined in the Withum Weekly Pulse, the IRS also has available the following:

e-News for Tax Exempt & Government Entities

  • Exempt Organization Update – For tax professionals and representatives of tax-exempt organizations from the IRS. Receive email updates and alerts from the IRS regarding developments in exempt organizations tax law and regulations, upcoming IRS training and events, and other information.
  • Federal State & Local Governments (FSLG) – This newsletter is issued periodically during the year and provides information pertaining to current developments and upcoming events of interest to government entities.
  • Indian Tribal Governments News – Receive email updates about recent developments regarding Indian Tribal Governments.
  • Tax-Exempt Bond Community Update – For tax professionals and representatives of tax-exempt issuers. Receive email updates and alerts from the IRS about developments in the tax law and regulations applicable to tax-exempt bonds, updates to the IRS’ website, and other information.


Overall, the podcasts are informative and insightful in providing educational information on specific topics. In addition to the podcasts, the IRS has the webpage, “Resources for Tax Professionals”,, which outlines all available educational resources available including, but not limited to, Internal Revenue Bulletins, Tax Code, Treasury Regulations and State Law Guides.

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