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Your Personal Investing Vision and Mission Statements

Whether you realize it or not, you are the CEO of your personal finances. As such, you are fully responsible for the realization of your goals and attainment of your future financial security. As CEO, I believe you should develop a vision and mission statement and use it to guide your investing actions.

Vision Statement

This defines your dreams, goals, what you are going to do and want to do. A vision statement is intended to motivate personnel toward a common goal. With investing it is about money, wealth, cash flow and security. In your case you are the “personnel.”

Following is a listing of some visions that can be adopted by you. Which ones are yours?
Be financially secure

Become rich or richer

Have no money pressures or worries

Live comfortably in same style for rest of life

Have adequate cash flow to accomplish goals

Enhanced lifestyle

Leave money for my children

Have money for my children (or grandchildren) to go to college

Accumulate money to be able to buy a vacation house

Become a philanthropist [we should all try for this]

Mission Statement

The mission statement supports your vision. It tells how you plan to do it.
Define goals and create a time horizon to attain goals

Invest in a reasonable way to get needed returns

Manage risk

Diversify investments

Understand what “diversify investments” really means

Make as much as possible without risk

Get reasonable returns and not lose what I have

Don’t take foolish risks

Understand how I can make money or lose money on a particular investment

Be able to survive any losses

Have all investment costs quantified, spelled out fully and be transparent

Get best available advisors

Understand that I am not “average;” I am not part of a “grouping;” but I am “me” who is an individual with all the life experiences, fears, dreams and hopes I’ve had to date

Learn as much as I can about what investments are suitable for me

Make sure I cannot lose more than the amount I invested
Use the above as a guide. You can supply your own items, but whatever you do, develop a plan and then stick to it. Act like the CEO that you are.

If you have any business or financial issues you want to discuss please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or fill out the form below.

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